About the Department:

To provide maximum physical activity time within the class period, teach skills and activities that transfer into physical activity outside of physical education class, motivate children to be physically active, and take the role of physical activity director for the school. The curriculum will create an environment that focuses on current information, technology, and equipment to meet the needs of individual students.

Department Mission:

To give all students opportunities and experiences that lead to the achievement of total wellness and result in a longer and healthier life.

Department Vision:

A high quality PE curriculum will develop physical literacy and will allow pupils to learn about themselves, the importance of a healthy lifestyle, self-expression and concepts such fair play and respect.


Year 9 & 10 Physical Education / Art & Music / Family Life
Year 11 to 13 Physical Education / Careers / Family Life

Teacher Profile :

Name: Asneh Kumar

Subject Areas:  PEMAC

Position:  Teacher In-Charge

I Asneh Kumar of Sigatoka. This is first year of teaching career at this college. The following subject areas teach as a profession includes,  Physical Education and Art Music.